Apr 24, 2012

BG The Iceberg - ...Hello (Beat Tape)

There really isn't an overly in depth story behind the making of this beat tape. In fact, the reason for this tape can easily be summed up by two words: writer's block. As an artist, sometimes we get stuck to the point where we don't know what to do next. I'll even go as far as saying that writer's block is one of the worst things that can happen to an artist. Whenever this happens we try to find solutions & inspiration from different sources to help get over it. In my case, I made beats. Many people know that I rap & some of those people also know that I started making beats a few years back. This tape is composed of a few beats I made during this time. Now without further adieu ...Hello.


Alt. DL Link: http://limelinx.com/files/c61cf47643c20fff3ada629127fb45bd